What Happened In Wales

First of all, this trip was possibly one of my favourite memories that I know I’ll never forget. But it was also a big eye opener for several reasons. 

Waking up at four in the morning to secure a campsite in Wales was a struggle to say the least. What made it even worse is that whilst heading to said campsite we were informed that it was ALREADY FULL. Granted setting off on a bank holiday Saturday may not have been the best option but still... 

After five calls to fully booked campsites and being turned away from a campsite that definitely wasn’t full, we were losing hope on this adventure. 

We stopped on layby for a cheeky toilet stop at a campsite which worked out being the best toilet stop. Signs everywhere saying CAMPSITE FULL, NO SPACE. However, on further inspection there was an overspill field and before you know it, we had our tents up. Our luck had changed! I fully recommend Cwmlanerch Campsite to anyone who is into this sort of thing. The people, the place and views were incredible. 

Our first day spent in this place couldn't have been any better. Once we’d settled and sun creamed up at the tent, we headed off to see what Wales had to offer and it didn't disappoint. We ended up finding this idyllic lake where we all (especially keen bean Hannah) couldn't wait to get in. The mountain top backgrounds honestly blew me away. It reminded me of those screen savers you used to see on computers. I remember thinking, places like that can't be real. But oh boy they are. 

The water so so cold but with the heatwave we were having, it certainly took the edge off. After the most relaxing afternoon and beer to celebrate the start of our holiday we headed back to our campsite to rest up for next day's adventure. Climbing Snowden... 

The day came and we were ready to climb Snowden. I can without a doubt say I hadn't prepared myself for how difficult it would be. Not just physically but mentally. It was super tough. I’m used to our mundane day to day lives and it really hit me how pushing yourself up a mountain is very  different. It was a bit of wakeup call for myself to try and become more healthy and fit. 

Despite all of that, I loved the challenge. I absolutely loved it. Pushing myself, even when you want to give up. You know it’s not an option. Thinking about the sights you'll see at the top and the feeling of achievement spurred us all on to smash it.  

Once we got to the top it was overwhelming. Which may sound stupid but it really was. Looking down at how far we’d come and being ABOVE THE CLOUDS, was a feeling of happiness I've never felt before.  

After coming back down and having time to take it all in, there was a few things that opened up my eyes: 

Self happiness: 
For a little while now, I've not been feeling the best if I'm honest. At first, I just wanted this time away because I was just thinking, get away from what’s going on and almost stressing about the idea of how I'd feel going away.

This trip slowed me right down. I felt calm, relaxed (even climbing a bloody mountain) and most of all happy. Hannah even said to me when I got my photos developed, I looked so happy. To hear that from the one you love the most is honestly a great feeling. Being able to just sit on a rock and watch the views and world go by was something I'll remember whenever it gets tough again. 

This trip I also got my dad bod out which I was in two minds of doing but, I let myself love the dad bod! also have been thinking about positive steps for the future for me to understand what I need to do for long term confidence with my health. 

I basically pushed myself to do things I wouldn't usually do and I bloody smashed it. It feels so good and I want more. 

Our planet: 
Wales is beautiful. The fields, the green and the freshness. Which is looking to be short lived at the moment. We are idiots for taking for granted what we have and we ALL need to open our eyes. As we walked back down the mountain we came across litter. We all were actually so shocked that people even in this beautiful part of the UK where we need to maintain it at all costs, were STILL littering. Take a long hard look at yourself if you still do this. 

Without sounding all cringe (it will), I honestly have the strongest friendships I've ever had. I would much prefer to have a few best buds than loads of ‘throw away mates’. We laughed, helped each other out and made the best memories. Genuinely love the bones of these people. We don't always see them regularly but when we do it’s so much fun. I can't wait to saunter around with them soon. 

So that’s it for our summer trips but it’s been so damn good. I was able to take some great photos while we were away, and I’m sure I'll bombard my Instagram in future. I'm now trying to sort out my hip after taking a tumble back down the mountain, but all is groovy for now. 

Thanks very much for reading, 


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