Where I've Been...

The last time I checked in, it was just before new year’s and I had all these plans…

And here we are into the summer of 2018.

It has always been at the back of my head but as I and many others have said, things just get in the way. Life, work, work, and more work really. But it’s not all been bad.

Late last year I was luckily enough to find that special someone and its hand on heart been the best thing to happen to me (love that cringe stuff).  The feeling when you want to just do loads of stuff and not really document it because you’re completely in the moment is one of the best feelings, which is why I’m happy not to have constantly been putting up posts.

Also, the fact that my work hours have been ridiculously stressful has also not helped but there’s more on that later (read till the end please).

Anyway, so this past year has been quality and this little catch up is mainly going to be about one trip I had.

For Hannah’s birthday, I booked us some time away in Budapest. It was one of the places I remember talking about with her when we first met, and I wanted to do something special like we all do.

Budapest is bloody amazing. It’s one of those places where you instantly fall in love with. We’ve already said how we’d love to go back and check out even more. We walked everywhere through these old streets and went to some beautiful places. The food needs its own blog post it was so good, and definitely try the cherry beer because it’ll bring a tear to your eye. The entire time we felt so welcomed and the clothes and bookshops were so bloggy and I loved it. I couldn’t imagine going with anyone and If you’re not sure about going you should!

This was our first holiday away together and it really meant something to both of us. This post was meant to be a quick update but very quickly has basically turned into a post about me falling in love. And you know what? I don’t care. If you take anything from this post, just remember that you can get jobs and material stuff any day of the week but finding that special someone for me was something that doesn’t come around often so grab it with two hands and give it a proper good going.

Since our holiday blues, we have packed in so many gigs and it’s only just the start. Next week we are off to Latitude together with my best mates George and Angel, then it’s just gig after gig… and probably a lot of cider.

I do plan on being more frequent with blogging because, looking back at all my views and comments, people do seem interested and most importantly I enjoy doing this so expect a lot more to come. Now earlier on I did say there was more news about my workload… if you’re still reading congratulations for listening to me bang on. But what I’m very excited to say is that as of the end of this month I begin my new job at the Cambridge Satchel Company! I don’t want to jinx anything just yet but I can tell it’s going to be a lot of fun and I can’t wait to get stuck into a new job where you’re fully be appreciated.

This was short and sweet but don't you worry there are loads more to come.

Thanks for listening and I’ll be back soon.


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